botanic records

botanic records

četrtek, 24. februar 2011


BREZNA / ABYSSES  (botanic records 003)
marko karlovčec - alto sax

Picture 016.jpg
Enajst saksofonskih solov posnetih na različnih lokacijah - od vetrovnih pokrajin in vhodov v jame do sob in praznih klubov - raziskuje in slavi telesnost igranja na to pihalo ter je nekakšen odgovor ali komentar sodobnejšim pristopom k saksofonu. Razširjene tehnike igranja, zvoki okolja in resonance tkejo nepretrgan tok zvočenja, ki je hkrati neposreden in skrivnosten...Enajst zvočnih sledi intimnosti diha, dotika in danega prostora...terenski dnevnik vetra, sline, zemlje, rastlin in čudnih živali...

Eleven saxophone solos recorded on different locations - from windy landscapes and cave entrances to rooms and empty clubs - explore and celebrate the physicality of playing this instrument and is a sort of answer or commentary to more contemporary approaches to the saxophone. Extended techniques, environment sounds and resonances weave together in a flow of soundmaking which is both immediate and mysterious...Eleven sound traces of the intimacy of breath, touch and the given space...a fieldnote diary of wind, saliva, soil, plants and strange animals...

prisluhnite odlomkom tukaj / you can listen to some samples here:

brezna / abysses sample 1

brezna / abysses sample 3

brezna / abysses sample 4

SESTRENJE / SISTERING  (botanic records 004)
marko karlovčec - no-input mixer, fx

Picture 022.jpg

Za razliko od predhodnika "Greetings from the sea" (botanic records 001) prinaša "Sestrenje" toplejšo plat no-input elektronike, ki je tokrat osredotočena predvsem na dronerski minimalizem. Podaljšani toni, subtilnih harmonični prepleti, utripajoči basi ter zamolkla perkusivna pokanja ponujajo priložnost za primerjavo "prej in potem"...

In contrast to last year's "Greetings from the sea (botanic records 001)", "Sistering" brings to the forefront a warmer side of no-input electronics, this time focused mainly on drone minimalism. Prolonged tones, subtle harmonic weavings, pulsating basses and hushed percussive crackling all offer a chances to compare the "before and after"...

odlomkom lahko prisluhnete tukaj / you can listen to some samples here:

sestrenje / sistering sample 1

sestrenje / sistering sample 2 


- vsak cd je ročno sestavljen in vsebuje reprodukcije originalnih slik in designa.
- cena je 7€ (+ poštnina), tudi manj, če nimate...

- each cd is hand assembled and contains reproductions of original artwork and design.
- the price is 7€ (+ postal expenses), also less if you don't have...

za naročilo cdjev ali kakršnekoli druge informacije pišite na: 

to order the cds or for any other kind of information simply write to:

 STILL AVAILABLE (from 2009/2010): 


Irena Tomažin - voice, Marko Karlovčec - alto sax
Album je koncertni posnetek dueta s priznano slovensko eksperimentalno pevko, plesalko in igralko Ireno Tomažin. Gre za dobrih 40 minut dolgo improvizacijo, ki odseva vplive obeh vpletenih in se hkrati podaja v nova zvočna prostranstva zadušenih saksofonov, grlenega petja, mehurčkov, maničnega kričanja, akustičnega drona in še več. Posnetek odlikuje čist in prostorsko dobro razporejen zvok.

The album is a concert recording of a duo with renowned Slovenian experimental singer, dancer and actress Irena Tomažin. It is a 40 minute improvised piece that reflects the influences of both musicians while at same time going toward new soundscapes of choked saxophones, throat singing, bubbles, manic screaming, acoustic drones and more. The recording has the advantage of being clear and spatially well-mixed. 

prisluhnite odlomku tukaj / you can listen to a sample below:


GREETINGS FROM THE SEA (botanic records 002)
marko karlovčec - no-input fx, mixer

Moj prvi solo album, kjer igram na no-input efekte in mikser. Gre za glasbo, ki se spogleduje z estetiko sodobne elektro-akustične improvizacije, noisom in nekaterimi vplivi sodobne klasike. Plošča vsebuje tri improvizirane skladbe, ki prehajajo od sinusnih piskov, pokanja pa do podlajšanih dronov in podivjanega belega hrupa. Vsak CD je ročno oblikovan in unikatno poslikan. Omejena "naklada".

My first solo album where I play no-input effect units and mixer. The music relates to the esthetic of contemporary electro-acoustic improvisation, noise and some influence from contemporary classical composers. There are three improvised pieces which shift from sine waves, bleeps, cracks to extended drones and waves of white noise. Each CD is hand assembled and hand painted. Limited “pressing”.

prisluhnite odlomku tukaj / you can listen to a sample below:

sample 1


- vsak cd je ročno sestavljen in vsebuje reprodukcije originalnih slik in designa.
- cena je 7€ (+ poštnina), tudi manj, če nimate...

- each cd is hand assembled and contains reproductions of original artwork and design.
- the price is 7€ (+ postal expenses), also less if you don't have...

za naročilo cdjev ali kakršnekoli druge informacije pišite na: 

to order the cds or for any other kind of information simply write to: